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29/71 Mini-X Travel Carbon Fins

Auf Lager

Fragen & Antworten
in Flossen
235 €


Top quality compact 100% pure carbon freediving fins from 29/71. Perfect for traveling freedivers, the Mini-X fins can be easily disassembled and fitted into your carry-on luggage. Made with Pre-Preg ISN200 carbon fiber, which is the standard technique for super car manufacturing, the Mini-X blades pack the same power as traditional full length carbon fins in half the size.

The blade's unique structural design was pioneered by 29/71 to allow the blades to be soft when finning with minimal effort and stiffen up once greater force is applied, the stiffness of the blades essentially varies in reaction to the energy applied by the diver and virtually eliminates energy loss.

Equipped with Cetma Composites S-Wing ergonomic foot pockets and full length elastic silicone railing which aids in water channeling over the blade and minimizes any resistance of the blade which is common with traditional rubber railing.
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29/71 Mini-X Travel Carbon Fins
Weltweiter Versand

* Pflichtfelder

Weltweiter Versand
235 €
Sicher Einkaufen
100% Zufriedenheit


Top quality compact 100% pure carbon freediving fins from 29/71.

Perfect for traveling freedivers, the Mini-X fins can be easily disassembled and fitted into your carry-on luggage.

Made with Pre-Preg ISN200 carbon fiber, which is the standard technique for super car manufacturing, the Mini-X blades pack the same power as traditional full length carbon fins in half the size.

The blade's unique structural design was pioneered by 29/71 to allow the blades to be soft when finning with minimal effort and stiffen up once greater force is applied, the stiffness of the blades essentially varies in reaction to the energy applied by the diver and virtually eliminates energy loss.

Equipped with Cetma Composites S-Wing ergonomic foot pockets and full length elastic silicone railing which aids in water channeling over the blade and minimizes any resistance of the blade which is common with traditional rubber railing.

Carbon / Black
2971 Mini-X Carbon Fins
2 Years warranty for materials and craftsmanship
Worldwide shipping - calculated
50 cm / 19.7 inch
20 cm / 7.9 inch
950 gr / 2.0 lbs

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Produkt Fragen

How to correctly measure my foot length for s-WING foot pockets?

In order to correctly measure the length of your foot, please follow the measuring guide in the illustration below. Foot measurements should be made while standing on your feet on a flat surface. If you will be using socks, please measure your foot length while wearing socks.

Foot Length Measuring Guide

To determine which foot pocket size is right for you, please refer to our universal shoe size conversion chart.

Ist diese Antwort hilfreich?


a good kick
by Bonzoni United States
Good for travel. Not only smaller but also lighter. The best part is a powerful kick. Just the right blade stiffness, and tightly fit foot pockets transfer force to the blades without damping. Overall, make diving easy and enjoyable.
am Feb 22, 2025


Sie bewerten den Artikel: 29/71 Mini-X Travel Carbon Fins


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